Playground Safety Surfacing
With increased risk and adventure in outdoor playgrounds comes the need for increased safety. With strict standards set forth by the CSA, playground safety surfacing is an integral part of playground design and child safety.
Safe playground equipment is the first step in ensuring a safe outdoor play space for children. Selecting an appropriate playground safety surfacing material is equally imperative. With child safety at the forefront of all we do, we at Active Playground Equipment offer a number of safety surfacing solutions to suit your site and your needs.

Important factors to consider when selecting Playground Safety Surfacing
- What is the maximum height of your playground equipment?
- What is the required depth of safety surfacing needed?
- What area is the safety surfacing required to cover?
- Will the selected safety surfacing material hold up in your given climate?
- Will the surfacing meet your needs for durability, drainage, and accessibility?
These are all questions that your Active Playground Equipment representative can help you work through to ensure the playground safety surfacing chosen meets the unique needs of your outdoor playground.
Playground Safety Surfacing Materials

Engineered Wood Fiber
Engineered Wood Fiber, or EWF, is a shredded wood material comprised of various sized hard and softwood pieces averaging 1 – 2” in length. EWF is a non-toxic surfacing solution that doesn’t contain paint, chemicals or additives, has minimal bark and is free of twigs, leaf debris and other organic material. This product is certified as non-flammable.
- 100% natural and organic
- Economical
- Blends into the surrounding environment
- Easy to install and maintain
- Fall heights up to 14’

ActiveTurf artificial turf is a beautiful, functional surfacing system designed to provide the appearance of natural grass. The resilience of the polyethylene blades and the longevity of the final product forms a high-value surfacing system.
ActiveTurf can be installed as a playground safety surfacing to provide fall protection around outdoor playground equipment or is a perfect solution for high-traffic areas where natural grass has difficulty growing. ActiveTurf provides a cost-effective, natural-looking grass area that is clean and easy to maintain.
- Natural appearance
- ADA Accessible
- 10-year pro-rated warranty
- Perfect for shady or muddy areas where grass will not grow naturally

Loose Rubber Playground Mulch
Rubber mulch absorbs shock better than sand, wood mulch, or poured-in-place surfaces. The shock absorbency can result in fewer fall injuries.
Rubber is significantly heavier than wood; as a result, it doesn’t blow or wash away in heavy weather conditions. Rubber Mulch is also softer than wood, sand or gravel.
Rubber mulch is non-toxic, inhibits mold and fungus growth, and generates less dust than other alternatives such as sand or peastone. Rubber mulch also controls weed growth.
- Aesthetic earth-tone appearance
- Soft texture
- Easy to install and replenish

3/8 Washed Pea Stone
Pea Stone is another cost-effective playground safety surfacing solution that is typically cleaner and requires less maintenance than sand. Pea Stone consists of small pebbles with an average diameter of 3/8” – ½”. Pea Stone is easy to find and easy to replace; however, it will develop “hard-pan” 2 - 4” from the surface due to migrating dust. The best practice is to rototill each spring in order to restore fall-height properties.
- Inexpensive
- Easy to source and install
- Sand has an inherent creative element

Washed Sand
Sand is the most inexpensive surfacing solution available. Unfortunately, sand is abrasive and can quickly damage the coating on playground structures. Sand is also easily tracked into adjacent buildings and even well-drained sand contains moisture that can dramatically affect fall-height performance during cold seasons.

Loose Aggregate Surfacing
Using natural, loose aggregates in your outdoor play space is an economical protective surfacing solution. Children love to create and build with sand; utilizing sand as a playground safety surfacing serves a dual purpose, providing a giant, creative and tactile experience for children while ensuring playground safety.